No perticular night



On no particular night

On no particular night, following the defeat of the shadows at the Nexus, a small number of the Clan Brell had gathered at Thorsten’s Rest for swapping tales over ale. Ninadin, always the prankster, had a bit more of the imp in him this particular eve, for he had charmed the serving maid into keeping his kins’ flagons no less than half full. Of course, no one paid particular notice, as all were eager to share their tales of the war.

And of course, Nin, as he was called by some of the Clan, took full advantage of his companions, shall we say, loosened tongues, to pry forth the more embarrassing stories. To be fair to our brother, all were target of his manipulations, in particular, one Moira, who, with one ale too many, meaning two, chattered forth the following little tale.

"Oh!….Oh!….well….no…wasn’t in the war itself….but….oh…..Djams will box my ears for this….it was actually yestereve….we were hunting near Qalaba’r…well you know….well….south of Qalaba’r….matties…and golems….Djams is so sweet….helping me gain experience….well here we are….

And we run into this fellow Ranzz, or Rinz, or…who knows….something like that….and there is Djams wearing his crown….he looks cute in a crown…well…at least I think so….at least better than those silly fezzes he insists on wearing….oh!….don’t tell him I said that!….well, he and Ranz…oh, of course…here we are in the middle of nowhere….and they start talking about armor and swords…and…oh…you know how warriors are….and…oh!…no offense….but you know what I mean…and….oh anyway….sheesh…. so Razz, or…oh I forget his name….spots shadows!…..well, we all talk about should we…or shouldn’t we…and you know how much I hate those vile things!…but some mattys come at us out of nowhere….so we manage to bring down the mattys….and then Rass, or whoever, is gone…and there are Djams and I…and the shadows….of course…I want to try the shadows….I do so hate those vile things……and Djams…well….Djams…he is ever the voice of caution….and he hates fighting them…oh!…don’t tell anyone I said that….and so….well….I guess I talk him into it….so we make a plan…well…it wasn’t much of a plan….just I would try to draw on…and we see if we can take it together…so….well I move into a position where one of the shadows…there was a lieutenant too…is closer to me than the others…so I take aim….get ready to fire….and I look…and no Djams!…..WHAT?….where…suddenly…I see these flashes of spells…and the shadows start charging down the hill away from me…..what?… the distance…its Djams!….they are attacking him!….oh!…I just…well…oh no….I just start firing in desperation….he is surrounded by all three and I don’t know what to do!….so finally….I actually get one’s attention…sheesh…and he charges me….well….that was smart….at least only two on Djams now….of course…do I run…NO!….I am actually hurting him….well….you know how that goes…only 2 more hits and he’s down…only 2 more hits….ummmm….and there I am staring at the lifestone….course I start frantically ‘telling’ Djams….sheesh….he’s ok…just barely…..head to join him….Djams!…I say….you were supposed to let me draw them….course….he’s probably cursing me a blue streak….but course he doesn’t to my face….he is so polite…..Why did you attack them?….oh….you wouldn’t believe what he says…."I DIDN’T!….I was hiding behind a tree!""

Well, at this point, with Moira’s normal exuberance a bit exaggerated from drink, and her fits of laughter, one might imagine that the bottomless mug of ale that Moira was holding, had found quite a bit of its contents about the room and her companions. Not the least of which was our merry troublemaker, Nin. Who, if one were so inclined, might have been considered deserving of such a dousing.

"Oh!….can you picture it?….here we are about to attack shadows…and Djams!….oh…dear Djams….Djams!…I was hiding behind a tree!"

 With her story finished, Moira attempted to sit, and in rather clumsy fashion managed to accomplish the task, then peered at her flagon with a rather befuddled look.

"Well….I thought it was funny"


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