Getting the stones



Getting the Stones

Now that you have your Atlan weapon, you might want to set in it - a stone of Magic. Any one of a number of special, magical gemstones could be imbedded in a weapon to imbue it with a particular elemental power, and by means of a special stone tool, each gemstone could be exchanged for another of a different power. Thus, for example, a frosting axe could be turned into a lightning axe.

All stones have both a negative and a positive effect on the person wielding a weapon set with a stone. For example: Major Shivering Stone, will cast benificial spells like Blood Drinker IV, Heart Seeker IV
 Cold Protection Other IV - but will also cast a negative impacting Fire Vulnerability Other IV spell.

The stone tool

To insert a stone into an atlan weapon, simply double-click on the stone, then click the target cursor on the atlan weapon you wish to insert the stone into. To remove the stone from a weapon, it is necessary to obtain a stone tool from the Artifex Vault. Once you have this tool simply double click on the stone tool, and then click the target cursor on the weapon you wish to remove the stone from. If you did it right, you will see a message saying "You have altered your weapon!" or "You have reverted your weapon!".

The artifex vault is populated by Tumeroks, Warriors up to High Priests. There are parts of the dungeon that require you to jump, at least one ending in a nasty fall down to a surface portal.  Spawn rate is fairly slow on the first couple levels.  Quite a few Warriors and officers, plenty of "safe spots" and the only real problem can be the High Priests.  The Artifex Vault is located in the North Direlands, near the Glendenwood to North Direlands portal Exit.

The minor stones

Minor Shivering, Smoldering, Stinging and Sparking Stones are avaliable. None of them have elemental properties, but can still be very usefull.

The major stones

I would only siggest those of sufficient level's to try to go through one of the Major Vault's. When I say sufficient levels, it is not because I wanna restrict anyone from going, but simply that common sence dictates a bit of caution. Besides a team of 5-6 people might have a load of fun even when 4 of them die in a vault, but recovery is never easy, and you might end up spending more time recovering, getting fewer stones for those who would like to get them.

There are a couple of things I suggest you agree on in advance:

First of all - the Stones CANT be given, so it really is a good idea to agree on WHO needs a stone, and who gets the first, second and third stone - before you go. This way - noone will be dissapointed. It is also a good idea to appoint a team leader, that knows the way, and makes notes of who gets which stone in what order. He or She also appoints a different "taker" if the planned "taker" dies on the way to the stone.

I think the first "takers" that qualifies for the stones are those with Atlan weapons (with no stones attached) and who have sufficient skill to actually activate the stone they will be placing in their weapon. Second will be those who have an Atlan weapon, but might not be completely able to activate them with the stone, and last (but not least) those who are close to getting their motes together for an Atlan weapon.

Which stone to go for

There are 4 major stones, each in a different vault, some very very hard to go through, some a bit easier (allthough still pretty tough). Some can be camped at the final room, some are harder to camp. Last time I camped a stone, respawn-rate on the major stones were 1 hour, but that may have been changed in a later update. None of these 4 vaults can be portal-tied, but some are in closer approximation of other portals that can be tied I have listed them in an order, where what I jusdge to be the easiest vault is placed first, the toughest last:

Major Sparking Stone - Lightening. Found in the Astyrian Vault (south Direlands), a vault with a few Ash Gromnies on the beginning levels, getting tougher with Scintillas and Astyrians (lightening elemental critters) further down. Astyrians and Scintillas cast Imperril and Lightening Vuln on you, so don't even think about doing this vault without the company of a good Life Mage. Spawnrate is fairly fast in this Vault, so if someone dies, he or she will have to wait to recover his corpse untill the rest of the team has reached the final room (after finding their way through a pretty difficult maze-like structure). There is no surface portal down there, so all have to be portalled out (or do a Lifestone Recall). We will then head back, and recover corpses on the run down for the second stone, etc. If noone dies - we can head out of the end room, up a slope and roam the maze untill the stone respawns. All critters are vuln. to Acid in here - so bring your best Acid weapon or a lot of Greater Acid arrows. There are plenty of quiet places, as we go through the Vault, where you can rebuff on the way down to the end room.

Major Smoldering Stone - Fire. Found in the Johannan Vault (on the edge of the Crater surrounding Crater Lake), A vault with lots of Jibritz, Zefirs and Kelifz int the beginning (coupled with a few Mountain and Silver Rats, Flammas, Infernos and Magma Golems further towards the end. The Vault is actually one of the most intriguingly beautifull dungeons in Osteth (onlæy surpassed by Frore in my opinion), and after going through this vault you will feel a bit like Lara Croft. Lots of jumps in there, and if you miss, you can only try your best to get back the bottom of the first jumping room, where you will be picked up on the next "run". Recalling out may be an even better option, since some of the rooms we jump are pretty crowded with critters. However since the end room is actually fairly easy to camp, it may be a while before the rest of the team will be getting back to help you recover. Practicing your short jumps (on a training range), might be a good idea. The end room is populated by three Infernos (level 126), but two of them will stay on their end of the bridge so we can focus on the one spawning near the surface portal - which quite conveniantly is placed right outside the end room. Bring your best Frost weapon in here or a 3-400 greater Frost arrows. There are plenty of quiet places, as we go through the Vault, where you can rebuff on the way to the end room.

Major Stinging Stone - Acid. Found in the Incunabula Vault (east direlands), a vault with only ONE type of critter, Olthoi Soldiers. However, there are a LOT of them, so unless you can actually tank 4-5 of these solo, dont even think about going down there. Also bringing a couple of Life Mages here might be a good idea, so they can work on a "shift" basis - one keeping the other safe while he buffs. There are literally VERY few places where you can buff quietly in here, so be prepared to only have time to cast a couple of spells, and to be mooving all the time. Respawn rate is 5 minutes on the upper levels, three minutes as we get further down and on the insane 1 minute when we get to the end room, where we will find at least 25-30 Soldiers in one big open room. It is NOT a fun vault to do recoveries in - so the most important advice I can give you is NOT to panic and run away. If you are close to dying - you will die nomatter what you do - so better die in a place where the team KNOWS how to get back too - than to run away in panic - dying in a place we have to look for. If you have not been to this dungeon before - I suggest you familiarise yourself with the upper levels before joining a team to go get the stone. Bludgeonning and Piercing works best agains soldiers, So bring your best Rapier sword (if you have one), Cestus, or plenty of Greater Blunt arrows. Turbine referes to this Vault as "the most deadly hive known to exist in Dereth" - but I think the Cerac Vault (described below) is harder.

Major Shivering Stone - Frost. Found in the Cerac Vault (near Qalabar), a vault with Lich'es, Lich Lords, Revenants and Dark Revenants at the end. I think this is the toughest of the four major stone vaults to do - and I would STRONGLY advice against trying this unless you are level 45+ and we bring a lot of Mages, Fighters and Archers. ALL of the critters in here cast some serious spells, and since respawn-rate down here is next to insane, and there are no real "safe spots". The vault is fairly straightforward, and allthough there are not a lot of places you can get lost, it still is very tough. Perhaps a solution would be to assign a Mage to each Fighter or Archer, and let them form small fellowships, so the mage only has one person (besides him- or herself) to look out for. The end room should be fairly easy to camp though, if we are successfull in getting down there. Slashing and Lightening should work wonders against all the critters down here - so bring your best Lightening sword, or a full complement of Greater Frog Arrows.

One final thing: Dont bring your best stuff into these dungeons. Only bring what you can afford to loose - it is no use for you to loose your best armor and magic trinkets to get one of these stones.


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