PreludeWritten by Brell August 15th, 2000: Greetings All,
This is the record of Aerlinthe, as found in the charred book,
recovered from there. Sorry for loading all of this onto you all - but I think
it important that I share with you, the things I find, discover or read.
Don't know how many of us are able to get to Aerlinthe yet, but
this is the record of the Island, enjoy!
See ya all out there, Brell
The Aerlinthe Record
Being the Tale of Years for the Island and Port of Aerlinthe,
which kneel before the Cerulean Throne of the Ancient and Glorious Seaborne
Empire of Yalain.
RE 208: Shimena Keep constructed on the northeast islet.
Shimena guarded the northern approaches to Ireth Lassel research colony from
Pelagian sea-nomads.
RE 213: A larchess tree is planted within the walls of Shimena
RE 221: Hearing from former Shimena garrison troops of great
riches on this island, Lord Gevran Loritane of Elancia visits aboard his
sailing skyship Tinoriel. He discovers great mineral wealth, and magma flows
of sufficient temperature to permit the forging of mana-alloy. The enchanters
Eosonn and Auriam are crushed by a magma tube cave-in when the land quakes.
Without the ability to levitate Tinoriel, the ship returns to Glystenae over
RE 222: Loritane sends sixteen great ocean-galleons and two
skyships to the island, carrying the supplies necessary to build a mining
outpost. Lord Loritane and Lady Raina accompany the vessels in Tinoriel.
The navigation channel into the lagoon is dredged.
Reservoir dug to collect rainwater. All local water sources
tainted with sulphur and ash. An Old Ring, buried under ash and ejecta, is
found during the digging. It is left undisturbed, but considered a good omen.
The island is titled Aerlinthe by Lord Loritane, a name which
came to him in a dream. The central volcano is known of old to be called
Tenkarrdun, Dericost for "Stoic Blood." The smaller peaks to the
northwest and northeast are found to have been named Cunara ("Steaming
Heights") and Ernassen ("Land Reflected"), respectively. The
lagoon is dubbed Raina's Harbor.
RE 223: Completion of the light-towers of Weretirae and
Eretirae, on either side of the navigation channel.
RE 225: Tenkarrdun's forges return their first profit. Loritane
and Raina return to Elancia. Lady Raina convinces Loritane to appoint master
smith Hare Aralea as governor of Aerlinthe.
RE 230: His Most Dignified and Serene Majesty Emperor Kellin,
seventh in the Line of Alaidain, dies. His son Delophon takes the Cerulean
Throne, assuming the Imperial Name of Caerlin ("Lord of the Deep
RE 274: The Blessing of Aerlinthe. A gromnatross makes her
aerie on the peaks of Cunara. She is named Aurlanaa by the people of the port.
RE 313: Expansion of the foundry; two new forges added.
RE 317: The outgassing of noxious fumes from Ernassen forces a
two-month evacuation to Ireth Lassel.
RE 323: Battle of Shimena. Twenty Imperial chevairds and
forty-four household troops of Loritane perish while holding at bay a raiding
force of five hundred Pelagic sea-nomads, embarked in two dozen sailing
vessels of war.
Battle of the Towers. Seeking revenge for the defeat at Shimena,
the Pelagian band returns and attacks from the south. Mages under the
direction of Aralea ascend the light-towers and pour fire down upon the decks
of their ships. The Coral Golems used to keep the navigation channel clear rip
the keels from their ships. The southern attack is repulsed, though sunken
vessels block the channel for a month. A second landing to the west, near the
reservoir, results in the looting and partial razing of the port. Over one
hundred die, and many are taken captive by the sea-nomads.
RE 324: In response to the raids, Emperor Caerlin declares the
port of Aerlinthe an Imperial anchorage and treasure port. Four war galleons
and seven fast skysloops, for scouting and messenger duty, drop anchor in
Raina's Harbor. They bring with them an additional hundred chevairds to
garrison the island. Aerlinthe is acknowledged as one of the most important
sources of pyreal in the Empire.
RE 329: The sailing platform-city of the sea-nomads that raided
Aerlinthe in 323 is tracked and taken by the Imperial naval force. Most of the
Aerlinthe captives are found enslaved in galley oarlocks.
RE 331: The Eaulinthe ("Star-Stone") is found in the
deepest crevasses of Tenkarrdun. This large diamond contains a small amount of
liquid magma, kept hot and brightly shining through unknown magical means.
RE 340: Raina's Harbor boils. A new fumarole opens at the
bottom, heating the water to scalding temperatures. The Imperial ships are
anchored at Shimena while golems dig a new land outlet for the gasses, then
seal the fumarole.
RE 349: Memorial Stone erected in Shimena Keep, inscribed with
the names of all who died in the Pelagic raids of 323.
RE 371: The forges begin to produce weapons designed by Lord
Atlan of Knorr. Lord Loritane takes the finest axe, and has the Eaulinthe
fixed upon its blade. With this weapon he joins the northern army at
Loritane disappears in the Dericost Marches, along with most of
Atlan's army. Lady Raina assumes control of Loritane's house and holdings.
Hare Aralea renews his oaths of fealty to the Lady in person, traveling to her
castle in Glystenae via fast skyship.
Lady Raina announces she carries a child of Loritane.
RE 372: Raina gives birth to a daughter, whom she names Clari.
RE 388: Nesortania Province overrun by the forces of the
Hopeslayer. Lady Raina takes Clari and her household, and flees to the
Imperial Archipelago.
RE 392: The city of Elancia in Glystenae falls under shadow.
TE 426: Caerlin replaces the galleon Minaera, last of the
original Imperial patrol squadron, with the new sailing frigate Reithyis.
RE 502: Prince Durglen Realaidain, son of the Emperor,
announces that he will take the hand of Clari Loritane, Mistress of Aerlinthe,
and walk by her side into darkness or dawn.
RE 507 Prince Durglen joins hands with Mistress Clari in the
Iphvircae Cliffs Cathedral.
RE 567: A large colony of mulardil are discovered in the
Naarcaerel Reef by the fisher-woman Julitaen, a poor resident of the harbor
tempest floats. She is titled mistress of the mular-pearl harvest by Hare
Aralea, and hires all the other residents of the floats.
RE 886: Ejan Aralae, son of Hare, succeeds his father as master
smith and governor of Aerlinthe.
RE 893: Emperor Caerlin is brushed by Black Madness in battle,
and becomes leprous with Ayai Heauviri.
*(* Translators note: Ayai is Empyrean for "burning."
Heauviri, literally means "high-thought-wind." This may be the
Yalain equivalent of "soul." Based on context, which suggest disease
and decay, I would judge our closest translation of Ayai Heauviri to be
"the Soulburn Plague." - Bretslef)
RE 895: Aurlanaa leaves her aerie on the peak of Cunara. She
meets several other gromnatross south of Aerlinthe, and they ascend,
disappearing into the heavens. No gromnatross are seen on Auberean for
twenty-two years.
Severe lightning-storms and strange glows come over the
southeast waters. The population is evacuated to the west.
Darkness falls upon the shores of Ireth Lassel. A vast reach of
Black Madness and fifteen Thorns accompany the Hopeslayer, his generals, and
their army.
Darkness defeated. The Hopeslayer is entrapped in the mage
council's array. The explosive power released destroys the Jailne Lyceum,
kills the entire council, and shatters the array into pieces. One piece lands
on Aerlinthe, but is recovered before it can dig itself into the ground.
With the defeat of the Hopeslayer, the Rhethis Eipoth (Era of
Lore) is concluded by decree of Emperor Caerlin. The Torethis Eipoth (Second
Era of Lore) is declared.
TE 1: The population returns to Aerlinthe, and the forges are
reopened. Raina returns to Elancia.
Elders from Ithaenc arrive to care for Aurlanaa's abandoned
Hare Aralea and his wife Malestra return to their homeland of
Elancia. Hare becomes one of Lady Raina's counselors.
TE 2: His Most Dignified and Serene Majesty Emperor Caerlin,
eighth in the Line of Alaidain, dies from the Soulburn Plague after six months
of insanity. He is 773 years old. His son Caerlin II ascends to the Cerulaean
Throne, and Clari, Mistress of Elancia and Aerlinthe, becomes Empress of the
Thousand Seas. Raina remains the Dowager Lady of Elancia and Aerlinthe.
TE 8: The older forges are replaced.
TE 11: A daughter, Alhallie, is born to Caerlin and Clari. A
Festival Year is declared in Elancia and Aerlinthe.
TE 17: The Return of Grace. The gromnatross come down from the
stars. Aurlanaa alights upon her aerie at Cunara. She looks into the eye of
Kelderam, a ward of Ithaenc since her early 100's, and considered hopelessly
mad. Kelderam is jauniril*, and lapses into unconsciousness. When she awakens,
she weeps for a full day, and is afterwards restored in mind and spirit. In
her waning years, Kelderam led the Adjanite Order, and was renowned for her
wisdom and serenity.
(*Translator's note: By context, "jauniril" would
seem to be a verb. I have never encountered this word before, however, and
know not what it means. - Bretslef)
TE 101: A landquake blocks the navigation channel.
TE 218: Lady Raina dies in her sleep, at the age of 1013. Clari
becomes Lady of Elancia and Aerlinthe, making her family's lands Imperial
TE 275: The legendary traveling entertainer Surinna Thrasyl
stops at Aerlinthe.
TE 333: The mutilated corpse of the missionary Lady Galaeral of
Ithaenc is found off the north shore.
TE 334: Imperial Inquisitor Lady Alibec arrives to investigate
the murder of Galaeral. She uncovers a small group of undead hiding in the
bowels of the reservoir, and destroys them. The chamber in which they
performed the deed is sealed. The origin and motives of the undead remain
TE 413: Empress Clari dies in a boating accident at the age of
937. Princess Alhallie becomes Lady of Elancia and Aerlinthe.
TE 416: Catriae Tamanea's rogue fleet defeats the flotilla at
Aerlinthe, and pillages the port. Over twelve million pyreal coins are looted.
TE 422: Piteous screams are heard from behind the door
Inquisitor Alibec sealed in 334. It is forced open, but the room is empty, and
the scene of Galaeral's murder remains as it was when the door was erected.
Shrieks of pain and incomprehensible, mumbling chants are occasionally
heard from the room, leading workers to whisper that the missionary's soul
remains in torment at the place of her death.
TE: 428: Princess Alhallie visits Aerlinthe, while on her tour
of the provinces. She gathers research for a planned travelogue.
TE 450: After the census, Emperor Caerlin announces that
Tentael has a population of over one million, most under the age of 400.
Aerlinthe's population is less than 100, but nearly 1000 golems work the
forges at any time.
TE 463: Massive collapse of the Tenkarrdun forge tunnels during
a landquake. Four workers are crushed, another sixteen trapped and suffocated.
The entire lower quarter of the foundry is cut off. Shifting rock makes
reopening the tunnels too risky, and Ejan decides to build a new forge works
further up the mountain.
TE 464: The new forges are completed. Due to the distance
between them and the magma flows, production is less than half of that before
the collapse.
TE 477: Princess Alhallie joins hands with Lord Cashtal Ronain
of Haebrous. Lord Cashtal's last name is changed to Realaidain.
TE 504: His Most Dignified and Serene Majesty Emperor Caerlin
II, ninth in the Line of Alaidain, dies at the age of 1022 years. Alhallie
ascends to the Cerulean Throne, and takes the Imperial Name of Cellaurai
("Consecrated by Starlight").
TE 513: The Great Northern Tempest. Mages hold off the worst of
the storm for three days. The Naarcaerel Reef is ripped apart by storm-tides.
TE 622: A Skytower arrives at Shimena, and is used to patrol
the northeast waters.
TE 664: Isin Aemil, child of Aerlinthe, becomes an admiral of
the Imperial fleet.
TE 761: With the development of practical portal travel by
Asheron, Empress Cellaurai declares a new Era has begun. The Torethis Eipoth
is concluded, and the Hyrethis Eipoth (Third Era of Lore) begins.
HE 95: Adept Delacim arrives at Aerlinthe and opens fixed
portals to Ithaenc, Haelan, Knorr, Nesortania, Elancia, Jalis, Aribel,
Alastinae, Dernehale, Larchess, and the works at Seral Ipharsis and Lamihaar.
HE 142: Nali Athanas reforms the northern church.
HE 145: A new temple is built in Aerlinthe.
HE 232: Empress Cellauri disappears while on a tour of Haebrous,
with the ultimate intention of holding a moot with the Nali and other high
dignitaries of the reformed northern church at Aventin. The Haebrous report
that her party attempted to ascend the peaks of the Venalben Range, where
gromnatross are known to reside.
HE 233: After eighteen months of fruitless searching for
Empress Cellauri, Cashtal Realaidain is declared Emperor. He takes the name
Kellin II ("Righteous Lord").
HE 239: The Nali relocates from Aventin to Tentael at the
invitation of Emperor Kellin.
HE 347: Fifty-six people of Aerlinthe answer the call of Nali
Valind, and participate in the extirpation of the Adjanite heretics.
HE 348: The Rejection. Troops returning from Valind's
desecration and sack of Ithaenc climb Cunara to seek Aurlanaa's blessing. The
gromnatross slays them all on sight, and departs Aerlinthe, never to be seen
HE 459: Severe landquakes cause magma flows in the upper forge
tunnels. Smiths remove to the port while golems effect repairs.