Helping NinadinIt was a day that began as most others have in Mayoi recently, though seemingly a bit brighter and perhaps warmer; this possibly because a thaw in the winter was indeed coming, or the news from the north of destruction of the "Great Work" made it seem so. I planned to again explore the beaches where treasures and creatures were in abundance, especially since my purse was feeling a bit light and my body still a bit bruised from some recent deaths. It was to be a solo hunt as comrades had recently abandoned Mayoi in favor of other haunts. So it was quite to my surprise that I happened upon my good friends Yadela, Icedragon, Tuzu, and Ming. At first this encounter seemed to be good fortune as I was looking forward to some adventuring with friends, but soon I was thinking quite differently. For you see, my dear friend Yadela had once again decided that it was time to challenge" ourselves and was all for making a brief visit to the Direlands. I was aghast that they would even consider such a thing for none of us was even 20th level.I was further dismayed at the idea as my lord Brell had prohibited such for one of my experience, and my good friend Djams had also voiced his opinions about the foolhardiness of such an adventure. With unwillingness at abandoning my friends, and much concern for their safety, I reluctantly declined their invitation to join them on this trip and resigned myself to following my original plans. However, I could not easily dismiss the constant worry about how they were faring, so I convinced myself that merely traveling to the portal would be alright and that I would only go through if they got in trouble. I could hunt in the area of the portal, and besides, Brell might not be angry with me if I went into the Dires to aid friends. A thought I soon realized to be somewhat similar to the arguments I would use to convince myself that I was not actually disobeying mother when she forbid me to go into the woods near our farm in Ishtar. (Oh mother, how I do miss home!). With these, and other thoughts, of lost home and family, of friends bodies littering the Dires, all ajumble in my head, I set out at a brisk run towards the Dires portal. Hopelessly distracted by all these less than gentle musings, I was shocked to have it all silenced, not by the sting of a phyntos wasp, but rather by that strange telepathic link that exists between clan members and friends. It was my Lord Brell! In my surprise I almost responded with "How did you know I was going to the Dires?", but before the thought was sent, his message became clear. Our Clan brother Ninadin was in trouble at the Mites Maze north of Arwic. Now, I am not a coward, but I do know my limits and my last venture to the Mountains north of Arwic resulted in my return to the Arwic lifestone no less than four times in the span of one half hour. Nor am I ever reluctant to aid a Clan brother of sister, but I was in Mayoi, and there were others who were probably closer. I stopped and waited for further messages .nothing. Oh please, I begged the gods, someone else answer the summons. I hate going underground I get all confused I do so much better when I have the open sky over me and room to run and can remember the landmarks. Oh please, someone else be out there to help. Again, the telepathic call from Brell sent all thoughts fleeing. No one was coming to Ninadins aid, and he who had just days prior given me a set of elemental arrows! Damn! I turned north and broke into a dead run. The Khyyaban portal was but 10 minutes away in Lin, from there I could take the portal to Al-Jalima, and then portal to Arwic maybe 20 minutes all told. I concentrated on Brell as I ran sending the message that I was on my way. Another part of my mind suddenly rang with Djams laughter, he too was on his way, we would meet in Arwic! My heart leaped! With Djams, and maybe Brell along, I would face even the Dires to help Ninadin. Another message, this time from Yadela, they were back from the Mires and safe! Would they help too? An update from Brell, a joke from Djams, and Yadela ranting about mites the thoughts, sent and received, tumbled through my consciousness. A searing pain burned everyones thoughts out of my head. Distracted, for I really cant run and talk at the same, I had run directly into a flight of zefirs! A second spell followed close upon the first and again the pain .I ran harder. Suddenly, to my left, the unwelcome roar of a shreth pack in full pursuit, the roar too close, close enough to feel hot breaths upon my back. Again pain, as one got close enough to attack, and the ribs on my left side felt like they had caved in. Had to breathe, had to run to stop was death. I concentrated on nothing but the running, until finally, shreth roars and zefir buzzing fell behind and disappeared. I was still alive, but barely. Stopping but a moment to do a quick heal, I resumed the run to Lin and shortly the mages tower came into view. I headed directly for the Khyyaban portal, I was through and in moments would be at the portal to Al-Jalima. I grinned and congratulated myself on having the foresight to learn these routes many weeks ago. Wouldnt everyone be impressed? The glow of the portal obscured all and in seconds I was in Al-Jalima, now for Arwic. Arwic? Agghhh! The portal to Arwic is one way from, not to! Cursing, I remembered the Arwic portal was in Tou-To. Thank goodness I could get there from a portal in Al-Jalima. Two short runs and two portals later, I was in Arwic finally, and from the voices echoing in my head, so was Djams! We would be to Ninadin in minutes. Portal storms lay thick and heavy about the town, I could see pink, electric glows enveloping people throughout the village. I had barely taken 3 steps, when the tell-tale shock hit me and I was suddenly ported south. Damn again! Not normally prone to swearing, this day was beginning to wear on me. First, friends taking a jaunt through the Mires, nearly getting myself killed on the run to Lin, and now this. I began to wonder what planets were aligning in what house to make my day so ill. Arwic again in sight, I swung north hoping to avoid the storms. How would I ever be able to find Djams in this mess? I no sooner finished the thought, when again a gust from another storm hit me. The pink glow was still hanging about me when the shreth hit. I would have cursed again, but all that came out was a grunt as the blow knocked my breath away. I would have killed it on the spot, but my bow was unready, and nearly an hour had elapsed since Brells summons had gone out. I headed back to Arwic. Djams voice popped into my head. "I need to get some mana stones in Arwic". "Okay", I replied, "can you get me some too?". He replied in the affirmative. Arwic again appeared in the distance, and again I was determined to avoid the storms, but luck was against me as I found myself ported south, though not far, and not into a pack of shreths. Djams thoughts again merged with my own, I suppose I blushed, for if he would have been speaking, the language would have been quite colorful. "This is ridiculous", he thought, "we will have to try this "unbuffed", allright?". Well no, it was not alright I thought to myself, but what else could we do? My thoughts conveyed my agreement. Arwic was suddenly before me, and nearly empty! The portal storms seemingly passed. I took a chance and ran into town. Quickly to the town mage, "Djams" my thoughts inquired, "I made it to the mage, what do you need?". He responded, and I bought a modest supply of mana stones. Not wishing to push my luck further, I ran as fast as I could toward the mountain portal. I had barely reached the portal when Djams thoughts again intruded upon my own. Distant this time, I could barely understand as he tried to tell me something. "No!" my mind screamed in response. "Oh no, not now, please not now", I pleaded with the gods, but he was gone! I knew now that I was alone. Stray echoes of Brells messages still lingered in my consciousness, I now knew he was not going to make it. It was probably only by shear force of will that some of his presence still remained on Dereth. For you see, at times, a strange phenomena that pervades Dereth manifests itself, and anyone of us may find a friend or companion suddenly gone! It could be for moments, hours, or even days. I know not much more of this, only that I too have been subject to its whims, and remember only bits of other places and faces, much like a partly remembered dream upon waking. Alone and unsure, now with night falling, with the glow of the portal before me, I waited. To go on was foolhardy, I would never be able to help Ninadin by myself, but to stay was also not a choice, a clan brother was in need and I was honor bound to respond. I resolved to wait for a few more moments for if anyone could return from that occasional limbo by willing so, it was Djams. Minutes passed, and no contact from Djams, I resolved to go alone. My was decision no sooner made when Djams welcome "voice" bid "Hello, I am back". I nearly cried with joy at the thought. I now turned to enter the portal and found I could not move! Frozen in that place, the first sign that now it was my turn to be pulled from that palce and time. This could not be, not .. A dark place, not cold, not warm am I even alive? Maybe, I think. I remember ..Djams .Ninadin .frantic to get back .to ..Dereth . Portal hum and stars light .the sensation of falling, tumbling .I am dizzy stagger for a moment .the mountain portal! I am back. "Djams?, Ninadin?" my mind reaches out, the replies immediate, they are in the maze. I jump through the portal and slam into a hoary mattekar. Damn again and again! Somethings broken, probably a rib, or three. I dont know who is more surprised, it or me. The creature attempts to gore me, and I dodge, or it misses, a moot point as I flee and unwittingly run through the portal back. I want only to cry. If only Ninadin know how hapless this would be rescuer is, he would now probably be braving the depths of the Maze armed with only bare hands, armored only in pants. I jump back through now prepared to be attacked, but the matty has moved off. I run for the Maze entrance outrunning the matty who first attacked me and dodging a second. Ahead the entrance, and I am in, suddenly realizing as I step into the dark caverns that the last lifestone I touched is back in Mayoi. Now I really want to cry, and would have but for Ninadin standing there bow at the ready. "Hi Nin", is all I can manage to say. I realized that my eyes were already adjusted to the darkness of the cavern, and remembered that night had fallen. As I looked over to Ninadin standing stoicly with bow ready and arrow nocked, I understood how long it had taken us to get to him, for I had set out in early afternon. Gosh, he must have the patience of an oak. At this point, Djams returned from his initial scouting, and two others joined us; Xing, and another whose name I missed in the ensuing confusion for several mites suddenly attacked us. I barely had time for another thought as we raced to find Ninadins possessions. I have to say at this point that I had no idea where in the Maze I was, and would never know without marking the path with chalk. But Ninadin, seemed to know where he was headed. We followed, and fought, and searched our way through the depths of the Maze until we had recovered all that Ninadin had lost. I am sure there were epic feats, but I remember little of it as I concentrated only on avoiding a trip to the lifestone in Mayoi. I do remember one thing though, and that was when Djams asked Ninadin if he knew the way out. I nearly fainted when Ninadin replied "I think so". He thinks so? Oh wonderful, I thought, hasnt it been just that kind of day. Well, as it turns out, Ninadin did remember the paths back to the surface, and we parted company with Xing and his companion. Djams headed for the mountain hut to settle in with a promise to hunt together in the morning, and I headed for the Arwic portal. Ninadin had asked me to meet him in Arwic and I had a lifestone to bind to, especially if hunting the mountain passes in the morning. I found myself wonderfully surprised when meeting Ninadin, that he had two gifts to give me in thanks for helping him! This almost made up for the "I think so". But truly, they are most wonderful gifts, a gold chain coif, which is so very beautiful, I almost hate to wear it. And a bow, a short bow with a very lovely gem. Though I am not sure of its range, I have a feeling I might need to be a bit closer to creatures than my longbow, which is a somewhat daunting thought. However, it is heavily magiked and I cant wait to use it on my hunt with Djams. Speaking of which, I better get some sleep. This bed in the Arwic inne is very clean and comfortable, the aches and pains of the day and this night are nearly gone so I should sleep well. Now, if I can only get those terribly annoying mite chirping sounds out of my head . |