Upon family, friend, and fellowshipTis rarely that I mark the passing of a level, most probably for my accomplishments being mundane in light of those of my peers. It is that which take them but a week, is for me a month, and what takes them a months, is for me several. I do, however, on occasion, make note of special achievements, such as my 20th for the time and trial it took to achieve, and perhaps my 26th, shared with close friends, for I was then granted privilege to choose a magic. Yet, now that I mark the passing, but a week ago, of my 27th rank. An odd choice perhaps, yet not so odd when I stop to consider the special nature of it. For you see, it was not an achievement on mine own merit, but rather an accomplishment of so many others, I being but the vessel that mouthed incantation and loosed arrow. These others, of whom I make note that they be remembered of my children and my grandchildrens children, are my kin of the Clan Brell. As I fear running off the page, and giving slight by omission, I venture not to name all that are kin and considered family who contributed to this attainment. And as the difference between family and friend be indistinct within the Clan, neither shall I single one as friend and another not. Rather, I shall name those who I can remember through the blur of these past weeks, and hope all would consider that tribute shared. There be Brell, whose gift of bow so augmented my own meager skills. Dasgar, Gala, Neilla, and Nina, who without hesitation and with much generosity replaced armor lost amidst the wilds of the South Dires. Again, Dasgar, for near every trinket magical I wear, whether glove, ring, bracelet, or necklace, were of her giving. And again Gala, for the first lessons in wielding the magic which have aided my hunts. My dear friend Icedragon, who with unbounded enthusiasm, spent hours teaching me the weave of the portals and the ways of the stronger spells, all the while cheering my every success, and cursing himself for my every failure. My vassals, Foxwren, Nanyehi, Rufio, Go Fish, and Sleeping Tiger whose own accomplishments have at once helped and humbled me. My dear Djams, for moments given of rest and comfort. And then Nina, maker of nearly every arrow I have used these past weeks; who stood with me at the Lugian Citadel, and after herself achieving the rank of 44th healed every wound so that I might continue to battle till rank was achieved. Yet for all that I have mentioned, this speaks only to family and friend, and not to fellowship. For it is in this special bond that much might be achieved, and indeed, this be the circumstance which deserves greatest thanks. His name is Maryn, who is both family and hunting companion become friend. Maryn, who provided the way to Aran Byer, choose to join in fellowship with me, and for two days stood at my side while we battled foe most fierce. I can, and do, with most sincere conviction, say that nearly half of my advance during that time was of Maryns doing though he be of less rank than I. For this I, and my heirs shall be ever beholden to him and his. -Moiras Journal |