Archer/EnchanterA modified template from Brell This is the template I used for Brell with a few modifications, changes that - knowing what I know today - would definitely have been made when creating Brell. Naturally there is a lot of room for changing my suggestions, but I think the foundation is sound.It is an Archer created for the long haul, and the first levels you will spend a lot on Strength, Endurance, Heath, Stamina, Quickness and Run. But above everything else - try to keep your character in balance. It will be slow at first, but once you hit level 18-20 this Archer will be a real treat to play. First I will give you the basic template and at the end, I will give you the reasoning behind my choises. Traditional Archer/Enchanter Template
Consecutive training: After level 26 you can train basically anything you like to train. You will be able to train fletching, lockpick or leadership at level 45, or you can wait till to train the more expensive things. Race is Sho because "Sho only bows" are more frequent in Dereth, than any other racial bow. Sure you will be able to cast your own Blood Drinker spell - but it really is nice to have a bow that is pre-spelled - a weapon you can just wield and it is ready for "action" so to speak. DONT compromise the balance of the basic Attributes. Your Health will become extreemely cheap to raise, as will your strength, but you will be regretting not having a full complement of Coordination and Quickness in the long run. If you DO change anything - it should be giving 5 more points to Focus and Self and the cost of your endurance. You never need to raise your strength beyond 150-160 as an archer, and even starting with 50 in Strenght that last point (to 160) will only cost you 520K, and that is not a lot at the time you reach level 35-40. Since you can raise you health on both Endurance and directly on Health, that will be even cheapoer for you to balance out in the long run. It may be tough at first - but in the long run - it will make a LOT of sence. The reason I don't see it important to train alchemy or fletching, is that even with an alchemy skill of 120 (which can easily be reached with a mule that has Alchemy specialized and a Focus and Coord of 100) you only fail 10-15% on making infusions, oils and even while applying oils to the arrowheads. With a skill of 140 you will fail less than 5%, and that is actually possible to get there, with a mule doing nothing but ID'ing stuff, and using his/her Alchemy skill. As for Fletching - well - ask a good fletcher to attach you finished arrowheads to shafts. It is the easiest part of the whole arrow-making process, and offering to pay him with 5% of the arrowheads you are giving him is a very cheap way to get a lot of arrows made, without the need to train the skill. Allways keep your Creature skill at least 10 points above your Item skill. The reason for this is obvious: As soon as you can bring yourself to cast a certain level Creature spells by casting Creature Enchantment Mastery Self, you can also buff your Item skill to be able to cast spells at the same level - even though your Item skill is 10-15 skill-points lower than your Creature Skill. Where to level: My suggestion would be - the first few levels killing drudges. As soon as you hit 5 or 6, you go to Banderlings, and larger Shreths. As soon as your run hits 120 - hit the Shore Amoradillo spot at the beach north of Arwic. From there (level 22-25) you can basically spread out a bit, or if you want to level fast - hit the Olthoi Rock up near Neydissa Castle, sniping Olthois from a reasonably safe position. After that, well the world will be opening up, and you can start heading into Direlands. |