Composite Bow or X-BowFor all of the Archers and X-bow users in Dereth, a new type of bow has emerged on the "stage" - The Composite Bow. This is a guide to what you need to make your bow.The HandleThere are three types (or qualities) of Handles, and they are all carved by a fletcher with 250+ skill The handle determines the spells the bow will cast as well as the attack bonus of the bow. However, if you dont want the bow to cast any spells, you don't need a handle at all - the bow can be used as a non-magic bow just fine without a handle, and the handle can allways be added later if you want. A Dark Revenant Thighbone will add Blood Drinker V and Bow Mastery V as well as an Attack bonus of 6%. That handle is called "An intricantly carved handle of the thighbone of the High undead", If the flecther fails the process of carving the handle, he will get "An intricantly carved handle of the thighbone of an undead". Using the best handle, the Bow will have a diff. of 170, and requires a Bowskill of 250 or greater to use the magic. A Lich's (Lich Lord or Revenant) Thighbone will add the same spells but level IV's to your bow. as well as a 4% bonus to Attack skill. That handle is called "A intricantly carved handle of the thighbone of an undead". If the flestcher fails in carving this handle, he will get "A carved handle of the thighbone of an undead". Using the best handle of a Lich (Lich Lord or Revenant), or a failed handle from a Dark Revenant - the bow will have a diff. of 140 and requre a skill of 210 or greater to use the magic. Finally - if you use the lesser type of handle "A carved handle of the thighbone of an undead", you will get a bow with a 2% Attack bonus, Blood Drinker III and Bow Mastery III, with a diff of 110 and a required bowskill of 170 or greater to use the magic. Some might (after reading the above) descide to wait untill they get a Dark Revenant thighbone, but let me offer my thinking on this: Better to have a BD III or BD IV bow you can actually use, than to have the greatest bow in Dereth and NOT being able to use it. There is no limit to the number of bows a player can make, and by the time you get your Arcane Lore and Bowskill high enough to use the next level bow, I'm sure you will find it a LOT easier to get the pieces together for your new bow! So Don't aim for the stars if you can't reach them. Be sensible and chose a handle that is closer to your skill-level. The SinewsThere are three types of Cured Lugian Sinews. Sinews are cooked by a Cook with 250+ skill. The Sinews determine the speed of the bow as well as the defence bonus. A Large Lugian Sinew cooked to perfection will give you a large cured Sinew. This will give the bow a speed of 35 (X-bows 90), and a defence bonus to melee of 6%. If the cook fails, or if he is succesfull in cooking a small Lugian Sinew, he gets a Cured Sinew, that will give you a bow with a speed of 40 (X-bows 95) and a melee bonus of 4%. Should he fail cooking the small Sinew, he will get a Cured sinew that will give the bow a speed of 45 (X-Bows 100) and a bonus to melee of +2%. The StringThere are naturally also three grades of bowstring. The string determines the Damage modifier of the bow. The string is made either from three ravener guts braided together and oiled by an alchemyst, or two Sclavus tongues. If the alchemyst is successfull in applying Bloodseeker Oil to the braided Ravener guts, he will produce an "Excellent oiled string". This will give the bow a damage modifier of 110% (X-bows 140%), Should he fail this process, or be successfull with two Sclavus tongues braided together, he will get a "Fine oiled string" that will give the bow a damage modifier of 90% (X-bows 110%). Should he be unsuccessfull in applying the Bloodseeker oil to the two Scalvus tongues, he will get an "Oiled string" that will give the bow a damage modifier of 80% (X-bows 90%). Now you may not all be able to kill Drudge Raveners, but most can kill Greater Mattakars, and it is fairly easy to trade Horns for Ravener Guts - and seeing the string is the most important part of the bow (determines the damage modifier), I would hunt for Mattakar Horns The X-Bow StockFor X-bow users ONLY, you also need a crossbow stock, these are made by the master boyer in Stonehold from a Wood Golem heart - I have a heart and a stock saved on Brell's Helper for anyone who needs it. The HornsFinally there are two types of Horns, and they determine the range/type of bow. Auroch horns will give you a Shortbow/Light X-bow with a range of 60, Mattakar horns will give you a Longbow/heavy crossbow with a range of 80. AssemblyYou cant assemple your bow the wrong way - so go ahead. However putting the string on the completed bow-staff requires a certain skill-level (Bow or X-bow). I have seen people with a Bowskill of 300+ fail two times in a row, when attaching the string (the string snaps). Sure I have also seen someone with a skill of 250 succeed the first time. Bows with a lower damage modifier requires less skill when you add the string - as a rule of thumb, you can count on a minimum skill requirement of 250 for attaching an "Excellent oiled string", 210 for attaching a "Fine oiled string" and 170 for attaching an "Oiled string", and naturally it OK to be buffed as high as possible while you attach your string. Also I have an idea that the strength of the one stringing the bow may be a determining factor, but then again - that may simply be "player perception" - but get your buffer to cast Strength on you just to be sure. Once you have attached the String, the bow gets "branded" and you can no longer give it to anyone else. AND REMEMBER: You don't have to attach a handle to use the bow - it will simply be non-magic, untill you DO attach a handle. Before then it can be used as it is - and you can cast your own Item spells on it (Blood Drinker, Heart Seeker (Attack Bonus), Swift Killer (speed) and Defender (melee bonus) - and you still have a VERY good bow, with one feature that haven't even been mentionned yet: You cant loose your new baby when you die. Have fun on getting your new bow!