Extreme Unarmed / EnchanterA template by Kamikazee Being a melee by heart, it is the only thing I ever wanted to do. Having played through the beta and 8 months of retail, Ive tried tons of different chars such as Sword, Mace, Axe, Unarmed, Mage and Archer. Ive always like Unarmed the most because its fast and over time will do more damage than any other melee type, you also have the benefit of all 7 types of damage. First here is the template, then explanation: Race: Sho Attributes: Strength 100, Endurance 10, Coordination 100, Quickness 100, Focus 10, Self 10 Specialized Skills: Arcane Lore, Magic Defence, Melee Defence, Unarmed Combat Trained Skills: Healing Consecutive training: Level 9: Item Enchantment, then choose after which way you want to go. Explenations: This extreme template will suffer a little during the lower levels, but once you get to 20+ or so it will be very effective. It will work excellent both for PvP and PvM, as I tested it on Darktide as well as playing it on Solclaim for a while. Some people yell "Dont specialize!" but I dont. Youre starting a melee char, not a hybrid, you should considor sticking to one school of magic only, which is item. Personally I stick to that, as PvP isnt my thing, but if you are going for PvP, you should considor Life, Mana Conversion and Creature as well, you cant get them all, but Id go for Life and Mana Conversion if going PvP. Specializing gave my previus level 45 char a huge boost, at least +13 of every specialized skill. This means that my benefit in specializing around level 40 is the additional 5 at start, say maybe 10 before the curve change, but after the curve change I would say my specialized skills have an additional 20-25 points, which makes it worth every credit in my book. The reason you specialize Lore and Magic Defence is simple, you start with 10 focus and self, and specializing gives you 13 base of each, and then theyre very cheap to raise. Specializing Melee Defence is for the simple reason of meleeing Olthoi and Tuskers fairly early, and ofcourse evade the damn diamond golem after he drops bludgeoning vulnerability VI on you. Specializing Unarmed Combat needs no explanation, its your attack skill, the higher the better! Training Healing is a must, especially since you wont have much health in the beginning. You can afford specializing all this, because you are not a hybrid, you wont need a ranged attack, I took x-bow on my level 45 and have regretted it ever since. Lockpick, which I too at level 20, was extremely beneficial before they introduced keys, but I still find it beneficial as many dires dungeons still have locked doors (Mount Lethe and the Overlords fort to name two). If youre not going PvP I would considor this skill, and forget about creature, just use jewelry. Where to spend your exp: At the low levels Endurance, Health and Stamina will be crucial to your survival. Buff Endurance first, and keep building Health and Stamina to keep pace of the exp cost for Endurance (If Endurance costs 1756 exp to raise, make sure that Health and Stamina cost at least the same). This way you will fairly quickly have better Health and Stamina, use a piece of Endurance Jewelry as well. Once you get to a decent level of these, you will have hit level 9. Train Item Enchantment, at level 11 you will have enough exp to spare to start building Item, Focus, Self and Mana. Build it enough to be able to cast 2-3 Item spells, then build your attributes and Lore a little. If you distribute well enough, you should be able to take on tougher badies earlier, and level like mad. Where to level: This is how I did, and will do it: Level 1-5: Down near the bottom of Shoushi Grotto (34.4 S, 72.8 E), fast spawn of the higher level drudges (<10 level monsters). Level 5-9: Outside Hebian-To (39.1 S, 83.2 E), plenty of low level mosswarts and sereths (Level 8-13 level monsters), the spawn isnt fast, but there are a lot of monsters if you run around a bit. East of Hebian-To, across the river, is a small fort that has plenty of the higher level mosswarts, often a few players there as well so it never gets too tough. Level 9-12: Inside Green Mire Grave (27.8 S, 71.6 E), if you run down to the locked door, there is 3 mudlurk mosswarts that spawn at a 3 minute rate. Lure one away if you cant handle them all at once, try killing one evry minute, making them respawn just when you kille dthe previous. They will get easy pretty fast, but make a lockpicker mule and keep the door to the final route down to the Cuirass open. Downthere spawns more mudlurks, shamans, barkers and a captain + a wisp, all except captain and wisp also at 3 minute spawn. You can make it to level 15 here fast, unless you have some extremely good armour and buffing jewelry, I would suggest to do so. Working the monsters both give good loot, raises your stats both attack and defence wise as they attack fast, and the shamans will do wonders for your magic defence. Level 12/15-25/30: Outside Qalabar, loads of Lugians. In the beginning stay at the outpost just up the road, not as many Life Mages as there used to be, and you can get a few levels fairly unharmed there. Once it gets easy go to the Forking Trail (65.6 S, 16.7 E), outside spawns 7-8 Lithos Lugians and a few Obelgoth, inside a few more Amploth and Laigus, but also Obelgoths and Lithos near the end, and ofcourse one Gigas Lugian. It maybe looseing its challenge around level 20 or so, then just head off to the Lugian Citadel (70.2 S, 24.3 E) its level 15+ and pretty haire, wear your protections Level 25/30-40: Its bugkilling time. Lair of Death (42 N, 58.1 E) outside Arwic has a fair amount, make sure to wear piercing and Acid Protectins, and try getting your attack skill past at least 220, melee defence past 200. It gets easier, and then you can move on to Black Death Catacombs (60 N, 71.1 E) which has a lot more Workers, a good amount of Soldiers near the bottom, and 3 nobles. Level 40-50: Whatever you want, you should be getting to a point where you feel tough. Incunabula Vault (35.9 S, 47.2 W), for more bugs in a very fast spawn. One of the Black Spawn Dens (56.6 S, 86 W & 60 S, 57.7 W) for Tuskers and Virindi of all kinds, these places are tough, go with friends or a buffing mage. Level 50+: The world is at your feet, go explore. Kill Magma Golems in Crater Caves or Mount Lethe, visit the new Island, rampage the Dires or go tickle the Overlord. The possibilities are wast, do what you want, just dont blame me if you feel like tanking 4 diamond golems. Final notes: This template is the bomb later on, you will hit 200 base strength, Coordination and Quickness in no time. You will get focus and self up around 100-120 fast as well, and thats all you need. Ofcourse the development will slow down at around level 45-50, but by that time you will be able to do allmost anything in the game, your char is the perfect "tank". High Magic Defence, Melee Defence, Health and general attributes and skills will make you the no. 1 pick when your group is off adventuring. Ofcourse you will be the human shield, but does that matter when you have all your buddies behind you healing you up and buffing you? |