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The Brell Clan
the wood and way,
Alone, yet in company with our clan...
We are aid and shelter,
Sword and Shield"
The founding principles are Aid and Protection with Honor. Thus,
seek to provide all with help in time of need, and safety in time of trouble, and to do
this with Honor. Furthermore, seek to learn, explore and understand, and share this
knowledge first with your kin, second with all who is believed to be able to appreciate
such knowledge.
To that end, we seek those who are willing to undertake the greater task of traveling the
world as guardians, teachers, and explorers.
Our Ways
Clan means Children, and therefore Clanship is synonymous with
kinship. The Brell Clan is indeed a family, a family born from those bound by blood, as
some were born of parents living before the Cataclysm, and those bound by dire
circumstance, as were they who were sundered from family when summoned to Dereth.
It is this concept of family, and the desire to nurture, protect, and aid each other,
which has made the Clan what we are. It is also these same ideas which now drive us to
what we hope to become, to be known for providing the same for all who would seek it of us
as we do for Clan. To that end, any and all who would seek shelter among us are welcome,
any and all who would require aid of us may share of our meager property, and any who
request protection shall be granted such.
To be welcome among the Clan, one must first be loyal to the ideas and principles, for
without this, how may one be loyal to an individual. Therefore, one may choose an
allegiance in priciple only. Thus, one may be considered one of us, named Clan Friend, and
owe fealty to none but principles. Others, over time, having partaken of our food, our
hearth, our hunt, and our traditions, may choose to swear fealty to the Clan. To become
kinfolk, one must take Blood Oath, thus swearing allegiance to a Clan Patron deemed
appropriate to both Patron and kin. Thus sworn, one will be named Clan Brother, or Clan
Sister. All, whether sworn or unsworn, retain the full rights and privileges of the Clan,
with those sworn having first right and privileges. All, whether sworn or unsworn, must
uphold the principles of the Clan else be subject to judgement of the Clan Elders.
Our Bond
| To never refuse a request for shelter, fare, clothing, or healing. |
| To never refuse a request for provisions, unless such request is beyond the means
of the Clan, or beyond reason by nature of such request. |
| To never refuse a request to aid the embattled or fallen, unless such request is
beyond reason by nature of distance or time restraints, or if such request means certain
death. |
Clan Elder Moira
Although the above deed is the exclamation of the founding principles of our Clan, I
feel we also need another document that in more practical terms try to relate those
founding principles, into everyday life on Dereth.
Therfore I propose the "Brell Clan Guidlines" as an addendum to the above deed.
These Guidelines may be changed in the future as life on Dereth evolves. As of now, the
grouping and specific details may appear random, and I would welcome any suggestions on
how to better present these guidlines in a better form, if you find it nessessary.
Clan Monarch and Elder Brell