Agenda for Clan Gathering Jan. 13th. 2001.Saturday January 13th. Baishi Meeting Hall will see yet another gathering of kinfolk from our Clan. Portals will be summoned from Holtburg, Qalabar and Eastham (at the town Lifestones) 10 minutes before the commencement of the meeting. This should make it easy for everyone to find passage to Baishi. As usual there will be a couple of topics that we will be covering, and as usual this gathering is also intended to bid the many new members of our Clan a good a hearty welcome. As far as the Agenda is conscerned, it is still open for suggestions, so if you have any ideas, please submit them to me, and I will include them on the final Agenda that will be send out two days before the next meeting. I havent talked to the "speakers" about the Agenda yet, so that may very well change also. For now the Agenda looks like the following:
As to the form of the meeting we ask that it is conducted in an orderly fashion:
Since many of our clan-folk are not on our Clan mailing-list, this Agenda will also be published on our homepage. PLEASE take the time over the next few days to announce several times to your vassels (those of you who have vassels) that there is a Clan Gathering announced. The easiest way to do it may be to copy the following sentence and keep it on a piece of parchment for easy access while in-game: "Brell Clan Gathering on Saturday Jan. 13th. at 4pm (PST) in Baishi Meeting Hall, please make an effort to attend." There may be some conscern as to the time chosen - but it is simply to facilitate attendance for all timezones represented in our clan, that physically spans the globe from Japan to Canada. To make it more easy for everyone to know the correct time of our meeting - here is a short list of some of the major timezones - I hope you are in one of them, or may know how many hours you are ahead or behind one of those listed.
Hope to see you all there, Brell