Brell Clan gets a new Web-pageMore content, new Members section and much more...Today June 25th. 2000 -- The Brell Clan got a new homepage on the Internet. Content has been expanded, layout and navigation have changed, and we have gotten a whole new area of information in the section called "Members", where we hope to publish a ton of valuable information. It is our hope, that you will get as much enjoyment out of these pages, as we have had making them. A special word of gratitude and thanks - goes to Ice Falcon, who so diligently have worked on our old site. The task of maintaining a web-site like this is tremendous, and he has done this out of the goodness of his heart. Unfortunately workload and other things have been creeping up, making it increasingly difficult for him to maintain the same level of effort that he wanted to, which is why this new page has been introduced. Now, more people can work at the web-site, be responsible for different sections, and I trust this will be for the benefit of all. Obviously we have not even begun to add most of the stuff we have available, but we take it one step at a time - after all, Rome was not built in one day. So be patient with us. If anyone in the Clan should have sufficient knowledge of FrontPage and HTML, and should be interested in helping out, please let me know, we need someone, who can take part in the task of maintaining this web-site. See ya all out there, Brell