Clan Gathering Saturday Januray 13th. 2001Brell says, "Good afternoon, evening or morning everyone, depending on where in the real world you are right now. I am really happy to see the number of people here tonight, and although we are just a tiny percentage of the entire clan, it is good to see so many here. Our meeting will be conducted in a special manner, and I ask you all to adhere STRICTLY to the following ground-rules:As to the form of the meeting we ask that it is conducted in an orderly fashion:
But let us dig right into the Agenda that looks like the following:
That is the Agenda, so let us start with the first item on the Agenda: Welcome & Announcements: Once again welcome to this Clan Gathering. I am glad to see so many of you here - both the old familiar faces, but also a large number of new people. After this welcome and the announcements, we will have a chance to meet some of the new faces here, but for now - A hearty welcome to you all. Meeting Director will be Kamikazee - so if you have a question or a comment, please inform him in a direct tell. Second I would like to officially announce the betrothal of Kamikazee and The Lady Vixen, as well as Itsme and The Foxx. These couple have for a LONG time been seen in and around Baishi Meeting Hall holding hands, and displaying great affection for one another. The entire clan would like to wish both couples all the best, and hope that we will soon receive wedding invitations. Dasgar claps her hands. Brell says, "Also Djams al Gefall and Lady Moira, who has been through and extended period of engagement will be entering a state of matrimony. This event is due to take place in about 14 days - I believe as tradition would have it on a Saturday, so start by reserving the evening. Shulima bint Milith claps her hands. Brell says, "The specific date will be announced on the clan announcement list, clan mailer and on the clan website (https://brellclan.tripod.com/)." Brell clears his throat... Brell says, "Finally I would like to announce the revelation of a cross dresser in our clan. Ladies if you come across someone in a green dress with a hairy chest - mug shots will soon be made available on the clan mailer, so you may recognise this "wolf in sheep's clothing", should you see him around! :-)" Brell adds that the mug shots he has seen look EXTREMELY similar to previous pictures
posted of our meeting director, Kamikazee! lol Brell says, "That is it for the announcements, now let us go to the second item on our Agenda..." Introduction of new Clan Members: Yesterday the mighty mistress Hera El Amun-Ra and her entire clan "The Chosen Path" pledged an oath of fealty to me. "I cannot tell you how honoured I am, and I wish to extend my warmest and most heartfelt welcome to everyone from The Chose Path. I am sure that this will mean a strengthening of BOTH our groups, as the Brellclan might as well be The Chosen Path that is how similar our goals are, in this Land of Dereth. Somehow I feel that we have always belonged together and it moved my heart to see us united in this fashion. I hope that The Chosen Path will be allowed to influence our clan with all the goodness and honour, that they so avidly display in their everyday life here in Dereth. Also Obituary and his followers decided to rejoin us after a period alone. I am honoured and glad to see them all back in the family. Furthermore, a lot of other people all across Dereth have decided to pledge their fealty to our clan, and I bid you all hearty welcome." Lindalou says, "Here, Here! :}" Brell says, "I would like all those that are new clan-members and attending a clan gathering for the first time, to please stand up, and one by one, state your name, character type and level" Brosis says, "I am Brosis, a lvl 24 (soon to be lvl 25) mage" Brell says, "A hearty welcome indeed to each and every one of you... it is my hope and desire, that you may all find MANY friend in our family - more than I am sure you already have! Welcome all - May Lord Asheron unite us all in our common Bond: "To aid and protect, thus honour"!" Dasgar claps her hands. Brell says, "Now that we are done with this part, let us move to the third Item on our agenda... Mailing List sign-up: Kamikazee, if you would please inform everyone as to HOW they sign up for the clan mailer?" Kamikazee says, "It's simple really =) All you have to do is give me a private @tell In which you state the e-mail address you wish to be added on. Also, the mailer is based from www.egroups.com If you register there (free and no spam), you can change your settings Thus reading the mail on the web alone, etc. That's about it, fire away =)" Brell says, "Thank you Kamikazee! Our next Item on the agenda will be a short description of a new council charged by me the Brell Clan Revisory Council Report:" A couple of new people will be asked to join this revisory council shortly, mostly from Hera El Amun-Ra's group, Originally Tieros should have covered this - but in his absence I ask that Ong Hi perhaps take this item instead - if you can, if not - I will cover it quickly!" Ong Hi says, "I would prefer that you cover it Brell." Brell says, "OK - If you forgive - I havent prepared this so my typing speed will decrease somewhat now.... I have asked a few people to come together on what is now referred to as the revisory council. This is due to the fact that our clan has grown considerably. And I need some input as to how we can ensure the functionality, and closeness of our clan despite we are growing. Usually - this is what happens in a small group. We all know each other and familiarity and closeness is almost imperative when you are just a small closely-knit group. Other people will see and recognise this, and will want to be a part of it - and suddenly you are faced with the fact that the very success you have, may end up being the cause of a LOT of problems. I want to make sure that this does not happen in our clan, which is why I have asked a few people to join a revisory council. The group is not yet full, and to the current group will be added a few more people, more specifically from Obituary and Hera's branches. The number of people that is and will be represented on the revisory council, should cover approx. the number of people of the different "branches" that they represent But let me stress, that the Brellclan is NOT a democracy - and this is not a council that will be able to change things by itself... the charter it has been given is the following: You are asked to look into our options as a clan to ensure greater coherence, stronger relationships, involvement and recognition. These options are then to be presented to Brell for further discussion. With the aid of the Council of Elders, Brell will make the final call as to implement any or all of these proposals, as set forth by the Revisory Council. This is the Charter that the Council has been and will be given, and this is what they will be doing. Ghost who walks likes it that Brell is his king As to the exact composition of the Revisory Council this will be announced shortly on the clan web-site as well as the clan mailer" Maytrix says, "So, Brell.. is our time just as important as the people on the council???????" Ming Ryujii says, "those who represent us speak in our name to the council" Brell says, "Please if you have questions or comments direct them to the Meeting Director in a direct tell, and he will let you know when to speak up!" Brell says, "Kaged - you have a suggestion you wish to make about the council?" Kaged says, "I hope I don't look like an idiot :( I feel that this council should be a 20 vote credit system where there would be 14 members not including Brell. Each of the 14 members vote is worth one credit and Brell's vote should be worth 6 credits. So that say 7 people go for one side and 7 people go for another he has the final decision. But if 14 of them feel one way, and Brell feels another, the people of the monarchy may not get what they want" Heartless bastage says, "I think the point of this council was missed, it isnt about clan issues it is about staying a close nit unit with over 1,000 members " Brywing says, "I like what Kaged has to say" Brell says, "That is a good suggestion indeed - however, we must remember that this is not a democracy, nor will it ever be one. I have and will be looking to the council for them to come up with suggestions on how to resolve the problems that we will meet as we grow in size and in numbers!" Kaged says, "yes but even the best king of any monarchy can not ignore what his followers feel" Brell says, "I am not - that is EXACTLY why I have decided to establish such a council. And all branches of the clan will be represented equally and fair with a specific number of people, so that all have an equal say. These peoples names will be made public. This way you can address them with any suggestions or concerns you may have. It is my intention that this council should be an ongoing thing" Heartless bastage says, "Brell ignored me once, I soon found out he was afk ...hehe " Ghost who walks knows from experience that there is no deed that BRELL would not do for
his brethren so it is a mute point talking of "what if everyone wanted ......",
he is simply the best Brell says, "Myshar - you have a comment or question?" Myshar says, "sorry but I think we should give the council a chance before we start trying to change it. Ask most clans in the game and all the monarchs will say Brell is just and wise and he should always as our monarch have final say. But I can tell all new people that Brell ignores no one. EOC" Mini Ming says, "long live King Brell" Brell says, "I agree Myshar - I think we need to try this out - and this is how it WILL be for now - if anyone feels this is the wrong way to go about it - you are free to address the council :) Shulima - you have a comment or question?" Shulima bint Milith says, "Don't forget that the vassal/patron system is the central point here. It is through this system that we become a close and well-structured clan. The benefits of being in a clan are that you have a place to come for help and advice. From your patron but also from other members people who agreed to aid and protect. EOC" Kamikazee says, "all please come to order. Unless you have been asked to speak, please refrain from emotes and/or comments" Brell says, "I agree Shulima" Ghost who Walks, you had a comment as well?" Ghost who walks says, "Yes, please. Before I joined the clan I was asked to read the D&Gs so I knew what the clan is all about. I agree with them so joined with all my heart. I think that when bringing in new vassals this should always be the case, as has been said before quality over quantity, although I do welcome all new brethren and will help whomever I can. I think that what you mlord stand for, and the D&Gs should be upheld through and through, that way never mind how big we get. We all know from day one what we are all about and why we are here. EOC" Smoke n Wires nods Brell says, "Thank you for you comment Ghost - and I agree. The LIVING out of our Deed & Guidelines are indeed our foundation, but we also need to realise that all have needs, and that we should be prepared to make the necessary adjustments to accommodate the changing world and group that we are! Brosis - you will be the last to comment or ask a question on this subject, then we will move on! Go ahead Brosis" Brosis says, "I hope I am not out of place, but if this is not a democracy, my fear is that it may become the opposite - a dictatorship. Can you address this please Brell. (EOC)" Brell says, "I will be more than happy to Brosis. I can only say that my reputation and actions hopefully preceeeds me in this respect. You have a clear choice in this, and if you dont trust the judgement of your patron or monarch, you are free to act accordingly." Brosis says, "If I may... I don't know how it would affect me either way, just so long as my vassals are not moved around or taken from me. EOC" Brell says, "I think that is the FAIREST possible way to ensure that you have freedom. I believe fealty is earned, not commanded - and as much as I try to give people a sense of purpose and direction, it is up to you all to accept that charter! I would NEVER ask anyone to move around - NEVER!" Shulima bint Milith says, "Noone will ever tell you to move your vassals" Heartless bastage says, "long live king Ralph...err Brell" Brosis says, "ty.. that is why I left my last monarchy!" Brell says, "OK - Mithyran - a VERY quick comment - and then we will move on!" Mithyran the Clouded says, "no laws or decision can be enforced, how can it then be a dictatorship?" Brell nods Kamikazee says, "That's it for C&Qs, unless someone forgot to tell me =) ALL: Unless you have been asked to speak, keep private chat PRIVATE =)" Brell says, "In connection with all of this - let us moove on to the next item on the agenda Changes to the Brell Clan Elders group: There will be made some profound changes to the clan Eldership. Some of the current Elders have asked to be released. At the same time - I would like to listen to what the Revisory (perhaps we should change the name to ADvisory) council comes up with - before I announce what changes will be done to the clan elders group. So I ask for you patience in this - but at the same time want to inform you all, that changes are up in this area as well! I will quickly move on to the next item on the agenda.... New things in the latest update/patch: Al-Qadim, if you would step up to the plate, and take charge for a few minutes on this subject - thanks! :-) It seems Al-Qadim is eating, so we will give him a few minutes to chew - and then move on! :-) We will return to this Item later - when he is done - lol" Shulima bint Milith says, "I think he's using the powderroom ;)" Al-Qadim says, "ready 8^)" Brell says, "Are you done Al?" Malech snickers Al-Qadim says, "As about anyone guessed, there is not a lot of new content this month "lorewise". With the death of Bael'Zharon, we are having a "heroes' Respite" kinda month, but expect the new story arc to begin next month. As for new contents, they are now 21 new level VII war spells, and bandit hilts you can attach on daggers and the 4 lightweight swords for multi-strike so, it is a good time to hone your skills for the future dangers we will face. [end]" Shulima bint Milith claps her hands. Mithyran the Clouded says, "didn't you forgot the sword of lost hope?" Kamikazee says, "Ming Ryujii, you have a comment on this?" Ming Ryujii says, "Aye, there has been some talk on this, but has anyone heard when the new server Wintersebb is going live? eoc" Al-Qadim says, "Wintersebb prolly early next week" Kamikazee says, "Malech has a comment also" Malech says, "I was wondering if you had any more word on the quest timer for the bandit hilt? EOQ" Al-Qadim says, "Turbine did not revealed anything, other than an _unusual_ long time. Speculation abounds with Virindi masks having a 3 weeks timer. I'm afraid Bandit Hilts might be on a +3 weeks timer" Malech smacks hid forehead Brell says, "Perhaps I should add that with the inclusion of Mistress Hera and The Chose Path, we have yet another INCREDIBLE resource in game lore - ie. Deadshot" Deadshot says, "Oh you flatter me Lord Brell..." Brell says, "I am sure that between Al-Qadim and Deadshot - we have the most knowledgeable people of game Lore in all of Dereth!" Al-Qadim says, "Oh I FORGOT one thing. In BaelZharon Sepulcher, the black breaths are now gone. There, you can finf now Black Ferah, one of the Shadow Generals, as well as the infusion to turn the Sword of Lost Light to the Sowrd of Lost Hope" Brell says, "Is there a warning to be added on doing this Al?" Al-Qadim says, "the change basically is that the SoLL becomes damage 10-20, acid damage. The blade becomes black with red veins and is dripping blood. Once you're "corrupted" the SoLL, you cannot add the light infusions anymore. So, of you want the full power of the SoLL, you better use the blue, red, and white infusions before the lost hop infusion" Kamikazee says, "ok...Brosis is up =)" Brosis says, "I noticed in the beach mage tower in Mayoi there are now "portal stones" (eoc)" Kamikazee says, "Ars Deicide?" Ars Deicide says, "quest timer: with current technology i would not expect the quest timer to outlive server resets (i.e. patches) so unless turbine did develop new tech id expect about a month for hilts. EOC" Kamikazee says, "ok, Ming Ryujii?" Ming Ryujii says, "If we already have the SOLL, is it possible to obtain another to convert to the SOHS?" Al-Qadim says, "I guess so Ming... you can have as many SoLLs as you want. So you could have many in different states" Kamikazee says, "OK, that's it for C&Qs, unless someone forgot to tell me =)" Shulima bint Milith says, "MULES, MULES ;)" Brell says, "Also - it might be added - the SoLL is as it states, not yet revealed in its full power - there may come other infusions that could be added later - and corrupting the sword, may prevent further updates to your sword!" Thanks Al-Qadim - I have a few things I would like to add here as well" Kamikazee says, "Malech has a Q" Malech says, "Am I understanding it correctly?? Can we have more than one SoLL on a character? EOQ" Al-Qadim says, "Quite frankly Malech I'm not sure. There is a timer on the SoLL, and I think you can grab many" Kamikazee says, "Mithyran has one too" Mithyran the Clouded says, "could we make some organised trips for SoLL??" Brell says, "Mithyran, you are more than welcome to initiate further SoLL quests - simply pick a time and date, as well as a place for meeting, and announce it on the clan mailer! As for Clan Quests - there has been some concerns as to my miscommunication of time and place for quests! I am EXTREEMELY sorry for last night to have misinformed some of you. As to the time we went on the Chakron Flux quest - I thought it was PST - but it in all actuality was EST. But we WILL be doing this quest again, so all is not lost. Furthermore - being connected to the clan mailer, and staying updated there, will ensure that you are properly informed as to times of different events, thus you dont have to rely on my faulty memory. I ask your forgiveness for this - and that is really all I can say on this subject!" Kamikazee says, "Heartless has a comment too" Heartless bastage says, "Why dont we just take a day of the week...say Sunday....and make that day quest day, all day long, this way you just gotta wait until a group leaves rather than waiting for a group to arrive " Brell says, "That is a good suggestion Heartless... however, I believe the need for clan wide quests, are grater than what can be accommodated only once a week... besides - I think we should allow for more people to be involved in initiating certain quests. The way to go about it is really to communicate on the clan mailer - and let people know what you want to do!" Heartless bastage says, "new quest take more time i know this but simple quests such as stones for Atlan/GS armor can be done on one day " Shinga says, "the mailer and maybe the council could help organise these adventures" Brell says, "That is not the charter of the council though Shinga - although they may propose questing teams to be set up!" Shinga says, "perhaps a quest mailer then?" Brell says, "To address the issue of the clan mailer, and the size of email, we will be moving a LOT of the content there to discussion groups on message boards instead. This will be announced shortly! So PLEASE - live out the bulk of mail, until this is fixed! - DONT disconnect yourself just yet!" Heartless bastage says, "I wish ppl would use the mailer for its purpose and chat in game " Shinga says, "both good points" Brell says, "OK - At this time I would ask us all to observe a moments silence, to honour a dear brother of ours, who decided to leave Dereth for good - Ice Falcon. Everyone please stand up and observe a moments silence for Ice Falcon" Brell salutes. Brell says, "Thank you all - please be seated As for the next item on the agenda - I have due to the advancing time - decided to skip to Fighting School's - we have had the first Mage Classes with success: I have finalised the curriculum for the Mage Training Classes, and would like to make a quick poll... How many in here - are interested in such classes - WAVE HIGH if you are!" Sgt Slaughter X waves high in the air. Brell says, "Thank you - I will be announcing the Mage Training Class (Beginner) on the clan mailer within the next week! Please be seated all In closing - I would like to thank all of you for attending this clan gathering, and for keeping good order. I am sure that following this meeting, which will probably go on for another half-hour of Mule-O-Rama - we will break up into groups that might want to go questing or hunting together. Thank you once again for a good meeting...." Kamikazee packs his whip away Shulima bint Milith says, "Anyone have a gigant pencil sharpener. I need to do piercing damage with my staff ;)" Aisquin says, "almost good order :=) ( kami put away his whip so I'm safe :=)" Brell says, "AND NOWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!.................... LETS START THE MULE-O-RAMA!!!!!!!!!! :-)" And this conluded our Clan Gathering. Afterwards many went out in groups for quests, or team hunting. See ya all out there, Brell