Third Summary



Third Summary: "The Brell Clan Aerlinthe Report (Part Three)"

Written by Brell November 5th, 2000:

Greetings all,
Well I must admit that yesterday afternoon was a bit of a dissapointment to me. Allthough the posting about the specific details on our trip didn't get posted before Friday, it has been known since last weeks attack on Aerlinthe, that we would do it yesterday, and that we would do it at 5pm PST.
Over the past week, i have spent a lot of time taking small groups of 1-3 people to Aerlinthe, showing them the robes, and letting them experience first hand, that it IS possible to survive out there. Not easy, but possible. None of those people showed up yesterday afternoon. I know that for each and every one of you, something in real life must have come up, and naturally this takes precedence. I have allways been of the conviction that NOTHING is more important than r/l - but after spending countelss hours in preparation - well it would be unnatural, if I wasn't a bit dissapointed.
The worst part about is this: I couldn't care less about getting those Items we can recover from Aerlinthe for myself. Sure it would be nice to have a robe or a wand from Aerfalle Keep - but honestly - I can live without them! But it would fill my heart with pride to see people from our clan wearing and using these items.
But that is all over now. After a bit of pondering the perplexity of getting 20-30 people from all over the face of this earth organized, I realize that this indeed is not an easy task. I hope that you can all forgive me that I may at time be too ambitious. It is one thing that I am ambitious on my own behalf, and entirely different matter, when I place that ambition on the shoulders of those, for whom I have the highest admiration and regard! Please forgive me, and know that it is not ill intention, that is beneath all of this!
Heroes are just ordinary people, who do extraordinary things in extraordinary times! Allthough there is no single "winner" in Dereth, there are a lot of Heroes, and I am impressed by the number of Heroes that we have in our family.
I am confident that allthough Aerlinthe may seem extreemely hard at first glance, it IS possible to do it. We just need to use our heads! And it is repeatable. Once we get the hang of it - we can basically repeat - over and over again! Over the past weeks, I have spend a lot of time on Aerlinthe - and it is by no means impossible!
But better coordination may be needed, which is why I will now make TWO new polls, trying to find out, what would be the best time to do these quests. PLEASE take the time to respond to these polls - because it will be on this basis, that we will determine when our next assult on Aerlinthe will take place!
See ya all out there, Brell

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Last modified: November 14, 2000