Archer/HybridA theoretical template from Brell Lately it has been discussed how powerfull Life-magic is - even for Archer or melee type characters. This template is currently being tested, and we will report back on how it works out. Archer/Enchanter Hybrid Life-magic user
Consecutive Training: After level 26 you can train basically anything you like to train. You will be able to train fletching, lockpick or leadership at level 45, or you can wait till to train the more expensive things. I have the Race as Gharu'ndim on this template because many of the good magic Items are Gharu'ndim only in racial requirements. And using three schools of magic, this CAN proove to be valuable - allthough it is not a MAJOR point in the tamplate. What will be VERY different with this character will be your ability to cast Armor Self and protective spells. When hitting a level where you can cast level V Item and Life - you can basically drop all your armor and fight in a robe that you buff, much like the mages you see - with the only difference - you will be an Archer first. This is why - even though I suggest you do not compromise the balance of the basic attributes - you can go with a bit less strength for this character. Depending on your balance of using Magic vs. using your Bow, you might even conscider rasing Focus and Self as much as an additional 10 points (to 50 each) taking 10 from your strength and 5 from Coord and Quickness respectively. Your Health will become extreemely cheap to raise, as will your strength, but you will be sacrificing a full complement of Coordination and Quickness to get a higher Focus and Self. After all you will be supporting 3 schools of Magic with this Character. You never need to raise your strength beyond 150-160 as an archer, and starting with 40 in Strenght that last point (to 150) will only cost you 520K, and that is not a lot at the time you reach level 35-40. Since you can raise you health on both Endurance and directly on Health, that will be even cheaper for you to balance out in the long run. It may be tough at first - but in the long run - it will make a LOT of sence. The reasons I don't see it important to train alchemy or fletching, are the same as with the Traditional Archer/Enchanter template, so no changes here. Where to level: Basically, you can follow the same suggestion as in the Traditional Archer/Enchanter template. It is true that with Life and Item sufficiently high, you have less use for melee defence. However, I still believe that melee is VERY valuable for any character, and even missile defence will be more crucial as we see new monsters introduced. As with the Traditional Archer/Enchanter template - allways keep your Creature skill at least 10 points above your other magic skills. The reason for this is obvious: As soon as you can bring yourself to cast a certain level Creature spells by casting Creature Enchantment Mastery Self, you can also buff your Life and Item skills to cast spells at the same level - even though your other magic skills are 10-15 skill-points lower than your Creature Skill. |